Lincoln is 6 months old!

HOLY COW. Half a year has gone by already?!? Wow. :(

Birth: 10 pounds 4.5 ounces and 21 1/2 inches
1 month: 13 pounds and 22 inches
2 months old: 16 pounds 8 ounces and 23 inches
3 months old: 18 pounds and 24 1/2 inches
4 months old: 19 pounds 4 ounces and 26 inches
5 months old: 20 pounds and 26 1/2 inches
6 months old: 21 pounds 12 ounces and 27 inches

This month Lincoln:

got his first tooth at 5 months and 1 week 

barely eats baby food (I try but he spits most of it out)

can sit very well 

scoots forward, backwards and all around but doesn't roll much

only flipped from belly to back a few times

wears 12-24 month old clothing, size 3 shoes

wearing size 4 diapers

went in the pool for the first time (loved it!)

still not a big baby food fan but I am going to keep on trying

the doctor said he drinks too much formula at a time and that's why he spits up (so, we have to give him less formula more often with baby food between if he's hungry)

switched him recently to a convertible car seat (SO MUCH EASIER)

sat in the grocery cart for the first time (and second, third and fourth ;))

LOVES his big brother SO MUCH (when B isn't steals his toys causing him to fall over... OI...)

smiles and giggles at anyone who talks to him

SUCH a happy baby

He is an absolute joy and so freaking cute. ;)

 (Obviously need to figure out how to work my new camera better. :/)
