Waterfront with my baby

Today is absolutely gorgeous. Rj has been in South Carolina visiting friends since Friday. My sister has been spending the night. I took her home today and then, since it was in the mid 70's I decided to take Brayden to downtown St. Marys. 

I also picked up some Hurricaine teething gel because Brayden has one, possibly two teeth popping through! He won't really let me look but I can feel them. It's making him so different. He's a little whiny (normal), super clingy (normal) but he is being so sweet, cute and smiley at the same time. Also, he is taking his second nap of the day right now. He fights napping once and it only lasts a few minutes. 

Here are the scenery pictures I took and a picture of when my sister was over. :) I am saving all the waterfront Brayden pictures for tomorrow for his 6 month post. Omg.. 6 months...

Kristy and Brayden!

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