Brayden's three year old update!

Birth: 8 pounds 12 ounces and 22 inches
1 month old: 11 pounds and 23 inches
6 months old: 20 pounds 12 ounces and 28 inches
12 months old: 22 pounds 4 ounces and 30 inches
18 months old: 25 pounds and 31 3/4 inches
24 months old: 27 1/2 pounds and 34 inches
2 years and 3 months (27 months): 30 pounds 5 ounces  and 35 inches
2 years and 6 months: 29 pounds and 36 1/2 inches
3 years old: 31 pounds 2 ounces and 37 1/2 inches 

Clothing: He wears all 3t pants, 3t-5t shirts. However, he is so thin he can wear smaller shorts because they fit at the waist without being too short. For example, he has a pair of 18 month old shorts that he still wears.  Tall and thin like Daddy. He wears a size 10-11 shoe.

Eating: His eating habits drive me insane. He doesn't touch over half the food I give him. Most of the time Lincoln eventually goes and eats it... Brayden is very picky. He also barely eats for days then, eats a TON then, nothing again. I give him a vitamin each day and try giving him food all day.

Milestones: We've started the process of potty training. A few pees and poos but nothing completely consistent. We are just sticking with it until he gets it.

Brayden knows all of his letters, all shapes, all colors and much more. He speaks in long sentences and even has conversations with us.

He is forever a sweet child but he has and always will be very hard headed. Haha. He is my difficult and unpredictable train wreck of a child.

He has decided I can't cut his hair anymore (see HARD HEADED above... LOL.). He says "no, mom, it's my hair." Oh okay, kid. 

We traveled this month so he went to two more states. He had previously been to Florida, Georgia, Maryland, and South Carolina. We went through North Carolina and Virginia too. He's been in 6 states and Washington D.C.! :D

His favorite show currently is Spongebob. He requests it constantly. I really wish he would watch something else but oh well. He will grow out of it. He always has favorite shows for a little while.

Love our oldest little guy!
