Brayden's birthday was Thursday. I took the day off. He had a doctor appointment so I picked him up from school, took him to the appointment then, we spent the rest of the day having fun. I took him to the store so, he could pick what we had for lunch. He chose raw broccoli, fries, and popcorn chicken. Then, we headed to the park but seriously only for 20 minutes. Oh jeez, it was seriously almost a hundred degrees! Afterwards we went for frozen yogurt. It was delicious! For dinner we went to my mom's house before I had to go to training for work.

Love this kid so much.
The birthday boy and I!
At Grandma's house! We had Brayden's favorite dinner (hot dogs and mac and cheese). Then, he unwrapped his present they got him. Mickey Mouseketools Playdoh set. He loves it.
The cake my mom made Brayden!
He kept playing with his toy until he tasted the cake. Then, he devoured his case.
While we were singing and cutting the cake Lincoln was chanting "ca-cake ca-cake ca-cake".
These photos were taken with an iPhone and/or Nikon Coolpix.
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Love this kid so much.
The birthday boy and I!
At Grandma's house! We had Brayden's favorite dinner (hot dogs and mac and cheese). Then, he unwrapped his present they got him. Mickey Mouseketools Playdoh set. He loves it.
The cake my mom made Brayden!
He kept playing with his toy until he tasted the cake. Then, he devoured his case.
While we were singing and cutting the cake Lincoln was chanting "ca-cake ca-cake ca-cake".
These photos were taken with an iPhone and/or Nikon Coolpix.
(Affiliate links that help run this blog.)
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