Last Saturday my father-in-law Cory, married Mindy. They've been together for over three years. They are amazing together and we are so happy for them. It was a beautiful wedding and a pretty fun reception.
(Tie review coming soon. ;))
Sorry for the graintastic photo. I was far away, sitting alone with the boys because Rj was obviously in the wedding.
Cassy, Mindy's daughter and Chris, Cory's best friend.
From left to right: Patience (Mindy's daughter), Cortni, Erica, Cassandra (my three sister in laws), Cassy (Mindy's daughter), Mindy, Cory, Chris, Rj, Ronnie (Mindy's son), Devon (my brother in law), Jackson (Erica's son/my boys only cousin).
Love this photo. Yes, my four year old is a nail biter. I try to stop him. Nothing helps. I bit my nail for over 20 years. I stopped about 6 or so months ago. Rj bites his. I'm sure he has seen. :/
Favorite photo of them ever.
Headed home to change into comfy clothes for the reception.
Before I changed.
The kids playing ball.
Rj and his sibling's toast. They all forgot their glasses. Haha.
Mindy and her brother.
Cory and Cortni. I didn't get the other father daughter dances because I was taking pictures for Mindy with her camera.
Mindy and her mom.
Oh jeez.
Cake hands!
Keg stand in a wedding dress? Welcome to the south, folks.
Dip in the pool in the dress? Yep. That too.
We went home shortly after this. 6 hours of fun. Our boys were tired!
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