Catch the Moment 365: Week 49!

Naked book reading? I think so. Brayden asked for the "dog Christmas" book since we started doing a Christmas book everyday. He remembered it from last year.

This is what it looks like when Lincoln tries to put ornaments up. Haha. He just laid a bunch of them on a branch. :P

This picture is so hilarious to me. We were at Christmas at the Park.

We got our first Elf on a Shelf. The boys like him so far but I don't know if they really "get" it. They named him Dinosaur. 

This is what we're dealing with. Saturday Brayden starting having a fever. Sunday it kept coming back and a terrible cough came with it. We took him to the ER. We found out he had Pneumonia and ear infection. :( He had to get a shot in his butt of very strong antibiotics. He kept falling asleep in the ER. He slept a lot the next day. He's finally getting better.

Linking up with Behind the Camera & DreamingSimply Stavishand Nurse Loves Farmer

Nurse Loves Farmer

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