Vogue Jewelry: Anchor (unisex) Bracelet review!

I'm willing to admit that I do not like always like wearing bracelets. I strongly dislike ones that move a lot on my wrist. The feeling bothers me.

So, I recently received a bracelet for a review and I am in love! This bracelet is a super sturdy, vintage bracelet. It comes with a metal anchor design and black leather cords that sit comfortably on your wrist. It can be worn with any casual outfit, and is a great accessory for men or women who want something that is fashionable, without being flashy. The Anchor Bracelet is 21 cm in length, and secured with a bronze alloy buckle. It stays in place very well and I love the material. It's cute too for men or women. I absolutely recommend this company! Great quality and very affordable. It's only $13.99 and you can see it here.

View their site here.
