Brayden is 4 years old!

Birth: 8 pounds 12 ounces and 22 inches
1 month old: 11 pounds and 23 inches
6 months old: 20 pounds 12 ounces and 28 inches
12 months old: 22 pounds 4 ounces and 30 inches
18 months old: 25 pounds and 31 3/4 inches
24 months old: 27 1/2 pounds and 34 inches
2 years and 3 months: 30 pounds 5 ounces  and 35 inches
2 years and 6 months: 29 pounds and 36 1/2 inches
3 years old: 31 pounds 2 ounces and 37 1/2 inches 
3 years and 6 months: 33 pounds 4 ounces and 39 inches
4 years old: 35 pounds 6 ounces and 40 1/4 inches

In the past six months Brayden: is as he has always been. He's our strong willed, stubborn, smart, and loving little boy. He started school August 5th. He hasn't been adjusting perfectly but he's getting better each day. This week he's starting asking about going to school and wanting to go to school. He's becoming a lot less shy and quiet already. His school teachers think that he may be autistic. He's going to be tested for it. I'm a little nervous. Recently someone came to evaluate everyone in the class. He talked to her and she saw nothing different about him. She said his communication, behavior, etc are right on track with his age.

Clothing: He is starting to outgrow 3t clothes. He wears mostly 4t and size 4 pants (adjusted but fit great length wise). I'm starting to have to let out some of the pants that are adjusting tight because he is not as slender anymore. He wears mostly 4t-5t shirts. He wears a size 11 shoe.

Eating: He is starting to eat better. The first nine days of school he barely ate anything. We are having to bring lunchables to school. One day last week he ate the lunch the other kids eat. He's been eating breakfast and snack at school. Hopefully he will start eating more school food. He's eating better at home too. Since starting school he's been MUCH more vocal. He's been telling me when he doesn't like something. He's been eating more raw veggies. He requested raw broccoli the other day and ate at least a cup of it!
Milestones: He is completely potty trained. We still have the occasional accident but it's not a huge deal. He is speak more clearly and way more already having only been in school for three weeks. I'm amazed by all the the phrases he suddenly knows. Yesterday he said "what's the big deal?" What the what... Where did that come from?! He has a HUGE imagination. He builds things all day long. It's amazing to me what he comes up with and builds.  

We just love this little boy so much and can't believe how big he is now. I started this blog when I was 39 weeks pregnant. Here we are today and my baby is four. Wow!

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